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At the age of 25, he had an impulse to create a fountain of copper on driftwood. After his first effort, he pursued other endeavors for some years before meeting a couple at the Disneyland Hotel who were metal sculptors. he "ghosted" for them for several years, creating all of their fountains while absorbing their artistic and technical skills. As Jim is fond of saying, "...the best art education I could have gotten anywhere." Jim then founded the metal crafting studio known as "Living Metal" where he and his wife, Sandra create fountains, wind sculptures, floral murals, mobiles and other artistic metal pieces. After years in California, the couple now makes their home in Arizona. Jim has spent countless hours studying leaves and flowers, then re-creating them in copper, red and yellow brass, bronze, silver, iron, lead and stainless steel. his wind sculpture designs are balanced for weight and wind acceptance for maximum rotation. Combining his fine eye for nature in leaves, flowers and birds with a little Irish whimsy such as bird's nests, kites and hot air balloons, Jim's latest "Living Metal" creations stress detail and Movement. SANDRA SULLIVAN A sense of humor, a sense of wonder, a sense of self. Sandra Sullivan was born and raised in a large family in the central valley of California. Sandra did not discover her artistic talents until she moved to Laguna Beach. Surrounded by artists working in many mediums, she began to develop a lifelong love and skill in metal work. One immediately senses the spirituality and optimism in Sandra's pieces. Guided by her artist husband in the uses of gases and chemicals to produce patinas on brass and copper, she has mastered the art of braising to create her own works of free flowing leaves, garlands, fountains and whimsical mystical designs. She brings to her work the power of positive energy and one can feel the celebration of life in her creations. To own one of her pieces is to truly possess a piece of "Living Metal." |